Friday, October 18, 2019

The MoonOwlithic Triptych Cycle

This work will be at my exposition again along with new work.

-MoonOwlithic Triptych Cycle-

The entire scene, the moonowlith framed by two groups of three moonfolk.
A fierce moonowlith screeching.
The light emanating from its belly illuminating the tetrahedron shaped ship.
Black threads from the glass tower into the very flesh of the deity.
Leeching it from its force as it lights all around it.
Three moonfolk on either side.
one holding up a tetrahedron as the others watch.
Three classes of moonfolk,
a philosopher creating,
a scientist observing,
and one standing guard.

The tryptich when it would be opened.
A fierce moonowlith screeching.
The light emanating from its belly illuminating the tetrahedron shaped ship.
Black threads from the glass tower into the very flesh of the deity.
Leeching it from its force as it lights all around it.

And at the back the struggle of the moonowlith's last cycle,
yet it also hints that it might also be the first.
Will it engulf in flames and rise as a phoenix,
or will it forever be an object of study.
A victory of science on the very force of light.

It is oilpaint on MDF panel and canvas framed with wood.
60 cm x 60 cm
30 cm x 60 cm
30 cm x 30 cm

23" x 23"
12" x 23"
12" x 12"

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