Tuesday, November 13, 2018

After the Storm, a quick preview.

A quick preview of my art-booth and what I had displayed there.
Better imaged will come when I empty my photo camera..

Oh and I sold a piece of art. I am very grateful it sold and gets a nice home.
For art never hangs as good at the artist's place as at the place of those who admire it.

Even though I will miss it, I know it is in good hands.

Soon better pictures will be posted, for now, I have to rely on father's quick snapshots with his fancy phone. :p

Monday, November 5, 2018

Before the Storm.. Expositie in de Beursfabriek Nieuwegein

There has been a lot of silence, but this was due to being locked up in my with terpetine fumes filled atelier. Yet! It is mostly finished now, some finishing touches have to be made, signed, etc. But most is ready.

Ready for the exposition, like I mentioned months before I will be having an exposition at the Nationale Kunstdagen (National Artdays) 10 and 11 November in Beursfabriek Nieuwegein.

It will be from 11 to 17:30 on Saturday and Sunday. Free tickets will be available at www.kunstdagen.nl/deelnemerrelatie for all who visit my blog/facebook or whoever finds this link on there and wishes to see me at my art stand.

For now I will have to go silent again, but feel free to contact me.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The two moonpanels in lines

Lately I have gone full oilpaint, sadly I cannot scan them, though I am thinking of showing the photographs I made of the process.

For now though, since my lineart is pure terpetine cause they are meant to be covered, it dries very fast and I was able to scan it. Though one is still in this phase, the skeleton is already fully covered in oilpaint. Nothing of the sketch remains visible.
It is even almost finished, needing just a few more darks and highlights.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Two Moon Panels

I made two more panels, did some sketch before I begin painting in the image with oils.

That feel when you made some nice sketches tho, and then you realize the sketch will be fully covered, destroyed by the oil paint in the next phases of the paint progress.

Luckily I can scan them for later reference and this will be more then likely the last scan I can do in the paint progress since later the paint will need to dry quite some time before it will be able to lay flat on the glass of the scanner.

So the next images might actually be photos. The triptych can't be scanned either way since the distance the frame creates will make everything scanned turn up blurry.
Though if the distance wasn't a problem, you could actually scan a panel when it has a frame glued to it beforehand since only the frame would be touching thus the wet paint wouldn't be touching the glass. Sadly, we cannot change the lens of the scanner to focus on the panel.

Also, getting a few of the paintings I made framed. These will be shown together with unframed work at the Nationale Kunstdagen (National Art Days) this November.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Progression MoonOwlithic Triptych

Warning, lots of progress and overview images of the big triptych.

It took quite a while to gesso this one because closed the frames touch thus need to be completely dry. It also took quite some time doing the final touches but finally it has been fully gessoed and ready to paint. Though rather freaky to now paint on something that took so long to prepare, I might be able to paint on multiple sides at the same time since none of the panels touch each other.

Will keep you posted.

Friday, September 14, 2018

The lineart as well as November coming up

On November 10 and 11 I will be at the exposition in Nieuwegein, close to Utrecht in the Netherlands called "Nationale Kunstdagen". https://kunstdagen.nl/

I will have a stand there with quite some of my art, most if not all will be my Moonowlithic theme.

Been rather busy with applying the underlayer for the big version of this triptych:

And almost forgot I had some lineart ready to post I will be continuing working on.

So here it is.