Tuesday, November 13, 2018

After the Storm, a quick preview.

A quick preview of my art-booth and what I had displayed there.
Better imaged will come when I empty my photo camera..

Oh and I sold a piece of art. I am very grateful it sold and gets a nice home.
For art never hangs as good at the artist's place as at the place of those who admire it.

Even though I will miss it, I know it is in good hands.

Soon better pictures will be posted, for now, I have to rely on father's quick snapshots with his fancy phone. :p

Monday, November 5, 2018

Before the Storm.. Expositie in de Beursfabriek Nieuwegein

There has been a lot of silence, but this was due to being locked up in my with terpetine fumes filled atelier. Yet! It is mostly finished now, some finishing touches have to be made, signed, etc. But most is ready.

Ready for the exposition, like I mentioned months before I will be having an exposition at the Nationale Kunstdagen (National Artdays) 10 and 11 November in Beursfabriek Nieuwegein.

It will be from 11 to 17:30 on Saturday and Sunday. Free tickets will be available at www.kunstdagen.nl/deelnemerrelatie for all who visit my blog/facebook or whoever finds this link on there and wishes to see me at my art stand.

For now I will have to go silent again, but feel free to contact me.