I made two more panels, did some sketch before I begin painting in the image with oils.
That feel when you made some nice sketches tho, and then you realize the sketch will be fully covered, destroyed by the oil paint in the next phases of the paint progress.
Luckily I can scan them for later reference and this will be more then likely the last scan I can do in the paint progress since later the paint will need to dry quite some time before it will be able to lay flat on the glass of the scanner.
So the next images might actually be photos. The triptych can't be scanned either way since the distance the frame creates will make everything scanned turn up blurry.
Though if the distance wasn't a problem, you could actually scan a panel when it has a frame glued to it beforehand since only the frame would be touching thus the wet paint wouldn't be touching the glass. Sadly, we cannot change the lens of the scanner to focus on the panel.
Also, getting a few of the paintings I made framed. These will be shown together with unframed work at the Nationale Kunstdagen (National Art Days) this November.