Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Inside and out, to be continued..

Some of my sketches. I intended to work these out today, yet with 22 minutes to spare and needing my sleep I will just post these sketches and line-art before heading bed.
Tomorrow I might work on them! In the meantime, today I have made some cool new concept sketches in my sketchbook/dummy that I might try out tomorrow..
I do have enough cardboard and the canvas shapes are quite interesting.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Last week, progresses


These are some first progress sketches, as you see I worked on cardboard. 
I usually use flat cardboard(without the corrugated layers in between),
for these first ones and the one of the first blog-post I used corrugated as you can see, the lines do create an odd kind of horizontal line-texture. 
I have worked a lot on a lot of different kinds of cardboard,  
though I have decided a long time before that corrugated cardboard just isn't strong/flat enough for me. So this is kind of an exception. 
Also for final pieces I often use mdf-board or canvas. Especially with oil paint.

The cardboard I use is recycled, it is actually packaging. 
For this for example I used a cat-food box.

For the sketches themselves, you see two of the most important beings of the theme. The moon folk and the bird like moonowls. The moonowl is placed ontop of a glass tower-like structure.

Birth of a blog

Welcome to my art-blog. 

These are sketches and drawings of visions from a lunar world. Also I will include pictures of the progress. Updating could be slow, I am rather new at 'blogging'. 

Yet do not hold back asking me for new or older work. I will deliver, and hopefully, the more you ask, the faster you'll get some work.

This specific 'theme' of my work is about visions of a lunar world on which beings favour rational thought more then emotion. The beings capture and use the power of lunar 'deities', so advanced is their technology that they can capture and leech energy of gods. 
The tall glass towers are what imprisons them and drain them from energy. Surrounding these terrible screeching towers is a glass dome that shelters the moon folk's buildings from the harsh surroundings.

I will slowly inform you more on this world with other posts. 

As for an about me, last year I graduated art school with this theme. This summer there will be an art exposition in the Hague I will be participating in. I studied and graduated at the Art Academy of Haarlem Leiden: KHL. As well as studied and graduated at the Unit Academy in Nijmegen before.

Yet before that I have always drawn and this has only increased, as such, I rather be without phone then without paper.

For now, I go paint/draw more. Feel free to comment.

As for my work I graduated with: Portfolio - Moonowliths 2016